Category Archives: Cooking

The Griddler

I love you, Griddler.

I’ve been lusting over this nifty kitchen do-it-all for quite sometime, until it dawned on me just to ask for it for Christmas. Well it was worth the wait, but it’s too bad I waited…oh the sandwiches, burgers, pancakes and meats I could have grilled with the Cuisinart Griddler Grill!!!

This puppy is like the George Foreman Grill on crack.  It is AWESOME and I can’t believe how affordable it is, for what it does.  The heat is even, the functions many. And the best part? Unlike the Foreman, the plates pop right off and can go straight into the dishwasher.  While I try to figure out cooking with a newborn, this has been a god-send.  We can have hot meals that are simple to prepare and easy to clean up.  LOVE IT.